
Medical Sciences Group/Intra-University Cooperative LaboratoriesFurukawa Laboratory
(Division of Clinical Genome Research, IMS)

Cancer results from accumulation of genomic and epigenetic alterations. These alterations comprised of a limited number of variants transmitted from parents and a large number of somatic changes acquired by aging and the exposure to environmental factors. Studies of inherited genetic factors will help the profound understanding of human tumorigenesis, and facilitate the development of preventive approaches. The acquired changes include not only driver mutations associated with proliferation, survival, and characteristics of cancer cells, but also passenger mutations irrelevant to carcinogenesis. Our group is working on the clarification of mechanisms underlying human tumors aiming for the application of genetic and epigenetic data in clinics, and challenging the development of diagnostic and/or therapeutic strategies and the precision medicine. Our challenges include 1) studies of Wnt signaling in tumorigenesis, 2) the development of assay system for the discovery of new molecular targeted drugs, 3) application of NGS and AI in the precise diagnosis of cancer in clinics, and 4) the establishment and investigation of novel mouse models of human cancer. Further information is available in our homepage.

cancer, genome, signal transduction, model mouse
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