
Medical Sciences Group/Core LaboratoriesMatsuda and Tanikawa Laboratory
(Laboratory of Clinical Genome Sequencing)

The goal of our laboratory is to identify the causes of disease through genome analysis, and furthermore, to conquer disease. To achieve this goal, our laboratory uses a variety of approaches in our research.

Genome, Cancer, p53, Biobank, SNP
Mechanism of p53-mediated suppression of tumorigenesis

Accumulation of genetic abnormalities is the cause of cancer. p53 is the most important tumor suppressor gene, which is abnormal in about half of all cancers. We have isolated many novel p53 downstream genes and clarified the functions of p53, which were previously unknown. We are currently investigating new regulatory mechanisms of p53-mediated carcinogenesis through comprehensive searches using next-generation sequencers and proteome/metabolome analyses. Furthermore, we are also exploring new therapeutic strategies by clarifying the universal characteristics of cancer cells through such analyses.

Analysis of disease susceptibility genes

We are also analyzing host factors involved in disease pathogenesis. Our laboratory is involved in the management and operation of Biobank Japan, which has samples from approximately 270,000 people. We are collaborating with approximately 60 medical institutions, clinical research groups, and the National Hospital Organization to collect blood and tissue samples, as well as accompanying clinical information. In addition, DNA purified from blood is used to compare differences in DNA sequences called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between diseased and healthy individuals. By analyzing hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands of SNPs covering the entire human genetic region, we can identify genetic predispositions related to susceptibility to disease. This research can be used to elucidate the mechanisms of disease onset, predict and prevent the risk of disease onset, and detect diseases at an early stage.


Our laboratory is characterized by the use of a wide range of analytical methods to conduct basic research, mainly on cancer, using a variety of research materials ranging from DNA, RNA, and proteins to cultured cells, mice, and clinical specimens. If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail or other means. For detailed information on our research, please refer to our website.

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