
Biomedical Innovation Policy Group/Inter-Institute Cooperative LaboratoriesTomio Laboratory
(Public Health Group, NIPH)

The Public Health Course is an inter-institute cooperative course with the National Institute of Public Health. This laboratory (Tomio Lab.) works on public health emergency management and health security. Our research projects are to strengthen national and local health systems for various hazards and threats affecting our health, including infectious diseases, major incidents and disasters, terrorist attacks and wars, climate change, etc. Specifically, we deal with the following research topics that are relevant to the work of government agencies and others: 1. Trends of legal systems and international comparisons. 2. Development of essential functions and management systems for health emergencies. 3. Healthcare resource allocation and surge capacity. 4. Emergency risk communication. 5. Human resources development programmes and education and training methods. 6. After-action reviews of emergency responses or exercises.

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