
Medical Sciences Group/Intra-University Cooperative LaboratoriesYotsuyanagi Laboratory
(Division of Infectious Diseases, IMS)

Our lab has just started with new members.

 Reaserch in our laboratory is focused on the protein sysnthesis apparatus, such as translation termination factors and mRNA quality control (mRNA surveillance) factors, as well as yeast epigenetic prion protein systems and membrane transporter systems.  Our laboratory is a pioneer in HIV research in Japan, and we have published many basic and clinical reports. Patients with HIV are less likely to die of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) due to progress in treatment. Instead, new problems such as (1) malignant tumors based on immunodeficiency, (2) difficulty of eliminating HIV, (3) aging progresses faster than healthy people, leading to higher prevalence of life-style related diseaeses. Regarding (1) and (3), large-scale clinical and basic research has been started nationwide, and our laboratory plays the core of research. Also, preparation for (2) is also proceeding. In the future, we plan to develop translational research that returns the results of basic research to the clinical setting in collaboration with other laboratories of the institution.  We have also conducted fundamental research on hepatitis viruses so far. HBV, HCV are viruses with much in common with HIV. We have clarified viral factors related to the natural course of viral hepatitis and carcinogenesis. In the future, we plan to explore the relationship between hepatitis and other infectious diseases, various autoimmune phenomena caused by hepatitis, taking advantage of the features of the medical science research institute.  Chronic infection affects not only the main infected organs but also organs and systems of the whole body. I would like to conduct research with students who wish to enjoy such aspects of infections diseases.

HIV infection, Viral hepatitis, Viral carcinogenesis, Life-style related diseases
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